Documentos de Traballo
Occupational segregation of female and male immigrants in the European Union: accounting for cross-country differences
On the Changing Spatial Distribution of Human Capital and Occupation Groups: An Analysis of Recent Trends in Australia’s Main Capital Cities
Low cost airlines and international tourism demand. The case of Porto’s airport in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula
Occupational Achievements of Same-Sex Couples in the U.S. by Gender and Race
Medición de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con dependencia a sustancias: diferencias entre instrumentos y métodos de obtención de preferencias
Las cofradías del sector pesquero artesanal en Galicia: desafíos y oportunidades
Social Welfare Losses Due to Occupational Segregation by Gender and Race/Ethnicity in the U.S.: Are There Differences across Regions?
Energy Tax Reform and Poverty Alleviation in Mexico
Evaluando los efectos económicos de las actividades pesquera y acuícola en la economía de Galicia
The causality between economic growth and immigration in EU/EFTA member states