Documentos de Traballo


Occupational segregation of female and male immigrants in the European Union: accounting for cross-country differences
On the Changing Spatial Distribution of Human Capital and Occupation Groups: An Analysis of Recent Trends in Australia’s Main Capital Cities
  • Francisco Azpitarte, Olga Alonso-Villar, Felipe Hugo-Rojas
  • PDF: WP1903.pdf
Low cost airlines and international tourism demand. The case of Porto’s airport in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula
  • Marcos Álvarez-Díaz, Manuel González-Gómez, María Soledad Otero-Giráldez
  • PDF: WP1902.pdf
Occupational Achievements of Same-Sex Couples in the U.S. by Gender and Race


Medición de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con dependencia a sustancias: diferencias entre instrumentos y métodos de obtención de preferencias
Las cofradías del sector pesquero artesanal en Galicia: desafíos y oportunidades
  • M. Dolores Garza-Gil, Manuel Varela-Lafuente, Iria García-Lorenzo
  • PDF: wp1803.pdf
Social Welfare Losses Due to Occupational Segregation by Gender and Race/Ethnicity in the U.S.: Are There Differences across Regions?
Energy Tax Reform and Poverty Alleviation in Mexico
  • José M. Labeaga, Xavier Labandeira, Xiral López-Otero
  • PDF: wp1801.pdf


Evaluando los efectos económicos de las actividades pesquera y acuícola en la economía de Galicia
  • Mª Dolores Garza Gil, Juan C. Surís Regueiro, Manuel M. Varela Lafuente
  • PDF: wp1702_0.pdf
The causality between economic growth and immigration in EU/EFTA member states
  • Manuel González Gómez, Mª Soledad Otero Giráldez
  • PDF: wp1701.pdf
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